Since 2001, Footprints has brought help and healing to those in recovery from substance use disorders and shelter and hope for homeless veterans. We provide services to people in recovery including outpatient treatment, transitional housing, support group meetings, life skills, and a drop-in center.
Also, in partnership with the Veterans Administration (VA), we provide housing and case management for homeless veterans. This includes a variety of services from counseling to transportation.
Through our residences and centers, we provide many services to people in the Kansas City community.
Wayne D. White, better known as “Brother Wayne,” was the founder, senior trusted servant, and CEO for Footprints Inc. located at 4501 Troost in Kansas City, Missouri. He started the organization in 2001 and served as director until his passing on February 28, 2012.
KC Footprints is led by a dynamic group of individuals who have strong ties to to the Kansas City area.